Accelerating the energy transition since 1982

Energy sector

Are you looking for a company that is expert in the energy sector and attentive to your needs ?


Are you looking for a tailor-made solution that combines electronics, electricity and software ?


Do you need to improve your processes, your infrastructure or increase the comfort of your teams ?

Metering, monitoring & control

Would you like to remotely monitor the performance of your photovoltaic installation ?

You’ve come to the right place !

Memoco facilitates the energy transition through the creation of innovative, technological, professional, pragmatic and sustainable solutions. We are experts in the field of smart metering, remote monitoring and energy control.

Examples of solutions : metering cabinets, installation and monitoring of photovoltaic meters, energy management, software, metering accessories, synchronisation clocks, transformer monitoring, research and development…

Every achievement begins with the decision to try.
Jérôme Kervyn de Meerendré

Would you like to find out more ?

Don’t hesitate. Contact us.