Providing metering solutions is our core business!
Our team designs, manufactures, tests, and installs metering cabinets for energy professionals.

For close to 20 years, we have been distributing and integrating EDMI brand meters, qualified by the Belgian (ELIA), French (RTE), and Luxembourg (SOTEL) Transmission System Operators.

Consulting, surveys, installation in workshop, on-site installation, validation, installation start-up, follow-up, and maintenance of the meters… All these steps are carried out by a qualified team concerned about the issues at stake following commissioning.

Several hundreds of metering cabinets and boxes are currently in operation at the metering substations of the Belgian, French, and Luxembourg electricity networks, at the substations of the SNCB-NMBS network, as well as in a very large number of buildings and industries.


Studies and Consulting office

Design of energy metering systems

Industrialization of processes

Manufacturing and industrialization in workshop (ISO)

Metering calibration control

Manufacturing controls

On-site installation

Monitoring and maintenance of metering systems: electricity, gas and water meters.

Project management


We are responsive and have the ability to adapt to the specific needs of our customers:

  • Design and production of compact metering cabinets with one metering point for RTE.
  • Design and production of cabinets with 4 metering points for RTE.
  • Study and production of test and training benches for RTE training centers.
  • Design of cabinets with 4 metering points for offshore wind turbines.

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