Sustainable commitments

Man is engaged in a world that he constantly creates and to which he gives a meaning.

Quality & Certifications

Memoco has many sustainable commitments. In particular, it is our ambition to continue to guarantee the standards set by Steel: an impeccable quality policy and ISO.

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Carbon neutrality

One of our objectives is to be labeled “carbon neutral“. Carbon neutrality means achieving a balance between man-made greenhouse gas emissions and their removal from the atmosphere.

The “CO2 Neutral” label, validated by Vinçotte, not only guarantees the efforts made to protect the climate (calculation and reduction of impacts) but also allows companies to avoid meaningless environmental declarations.

Carbon neutrality is one of Memoco’s sustainable commitments!

Solar Impulse  and the 17 SDG’s of the UWE 

To meet environmental challenges while promoting economic growth, Bertrand Piccard has launched, through the Solar Impulse Foundation, the challenge of selecting 1,000 solutions capable of protecting the environment profitably, and presenting them to decision-makers to accelerate their implementation.

The Solar Impulse Foundation bases its development projects on the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Memoco is proud to have received the Solar Impulse label for the Energy Box in October 2020!

In 2021, the Energy Box was also highlighted by the Walloon Business Union (EWU). As part of its campaign on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Walloon companies, the UWE selected the Energy Box to represent Goal #7: Clean and affordable energy.



Memoco is implementing an environmental governance system that demonstrates its commitment to sustainable development policy. Within the company, this translates into concrete actions in favor of better protection of the environment: consume better and less.

  • Installation of LED lights
  • Installation of photovoltaic panels and consumption of green electricity
  • Installation of UV-resistant solar glass film on the south windows of the building
  • Creation of a company vegetable garden
  • Availability of baskets of organic and local fruits…

Want to know more?

Don’t hesitate to contact us.